--September 20, 2006-- 3 Members online
Britt V: The
A-List is for all the popular people. Like what they do in Hollywood. People like Beyonce, Lindsay Lohan, Denzel Washington
and Chad Michael Murray are on the A-List because they're well known, successful, rich and popular. But people like Rosie
O'Donnell are lame and are on the B-D List.
Sammantha R: I agree with Britt V.
Rosie O'donnell sucks! I can't believe she's on The View, ew. But anyway, Britt's right. The A-List is for really popular,
hot, and successful people like Beyonce Knowles. The B-List is for people who've been around for a long time but they're not
as good as they used to be, like Bobby Brown. The C-List is for people who've just decided to settle down for a little but
we still remember them well, like Michael Jackson. The D-List is for people who completely suck, and we only know them for
silly, weird reasons, like that guy on Napoleon Dynamite, or, a good example, Rosie O'donnel. Nobody really likes her!
Jennifer W: I guess they're right.
But that A-D list stuff is weird. What if someone made the Z list! Ha ha!
Samantha R: Jennifer W obviously doesn't
know a thing about Hollywood lists... there are only A-D. Z is nonexistant....But I think there's an E list for people who
are average, like you and me..I'm not famous, so we're basically not important in Hollywood lists.
Jennifer W: I live in Hollwood
for all you're saying, Samantha R! I know more about Hollwyood than you! I was just joking, and I said what IF there was a
Z list, not that there is one! Duh!
Britt V: Jen, W, you're weird.
Samantha R: Jennifer W, you can't
even SPELL Hollywood so how am I supposed to believe that you live there? It's spelled H-O-L-L-Y-W-O-O-D, not HOLLWOOD or
HOLLWYOOD, like you spelled it. DUH back atcha! Lol.
Jennifer W: Whatever, I'm signing
(Jennifer W has signed off)
--September 20, 2006-- 2 Members online
(Emily L has signed on!)
--September 20, 2006-- 3 Members online
Emily L: You guys have
weird convos.
Britt V: Convos? You mean CONVERSATIONS?
Emily L: Duh. Ever heard of Text Language??
Obv. not. Text Language - simpler, cooler words used to represent another word. Ex: LOL = Laugh out Loud.
OMG = Oh My God!. WTF = What The Fuck.
Britt V: I knew that. I was
just making sure about what you said.
Emily L: Yeah right.
Britt V: Shut up. I'm going now. Me
& my mom are going shopping!
Samantha R: ok. see ya, brittney!
Britt V:
(Britt V has signed off)
--September 20, 2006-- 2 Members online
Samantha R: This is
getting boring. Bye Emily.
Emily L: Gosh. U all suck! Bye....I
guess I'll leave, too.
(Emily L has signed off)
--September 20, 2006-- 1 Members online
(Samantha R has signed off)
--September 20, 2006-- 0 Members online